El Paso HealthDescriptionNeed to check on your or your child’s health insurance information? Or email the Member ID Card? How about checking eligibility information? Or, do you have a question for El Paso Health?El Paso Health puts our most popular online features at the fingertips of our Members and their Responsible Party. View your virtual Member ID card. Change your PCP. Access your eligibility information or just ask a question.FEATURESBenefits and Coverage Information, Member ID Card Information, Authorizations, Health and Wellness, Claims Information, AND MORE coming soon!VIEW YOUR MEMBER ID CARDView the front and back information on your ID cards whenever you need to. Email the card information to your provider or whom may require it at time of service.VIEW YOUR BENEFITS AND COVERAGE INFORMATIONUntil you experience it, you may never have realized how helpful it is to have your benefits and coverage information right at your fingertips. VIEW OUR HEALHTY REWARDS PROGRAM See the Healthy Rewards you or your child can receive. Get additional information and learn how to use them.SECURITYYou must always sign in with your User Name and Password to access the features in this app. Without that information, no one can reach your personal data. It is safe.CAN’T ACCESS THE APPS FEATURES?You must sign in to access the app’s features. This app is for STAR and CHIP Members of El Paso Health and their Responsible Party.ABOUT El Paso Health - El Paso Health is a local, private, non-profit organization. It is a Texas-licensed health maintenance organization (HMO) established by the El Paso County Hospital District to enter into contract with the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for the purpose of improving access to medical care for STAR and CHIP members in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.